Pain is something that we will all face at one point or another but what that pain means is often a tricky thing to figure out! In practice, we see people with all sorts of pain patterns in their body. Some have had traumas/injuries, some woke with the problem while others have progressed to this level overtime. So, we recognise the purpose of pain is to be an indicator from that body that something is not working properly. Like a warning light on the dashboard of your car. It tells us something is up but not what caused the exact problem. This is where we encourage people to assess the physical, chemical and mental/emotional stressors in their life. The pain is the ‘what’ but the stressors or combination of stressors will be the ‘why’. In order to overcome a problem entirely it is important to know ‘what’ is going on as well as ‘why’ it came about so you can heal and learn from the experience to avoid replicating this in the future.
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